
Primal Total Cleanse vs zuPOO: Which Cleanse is Better?

I compare and contrast two popular cleanse supplements – Primal Total Cleanse Vs. umzu zuPoo cleanse to see which is better.

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It's an unfortunate fact that modern life can leave anyone feeling bloated, sluggish and sick on a regular basis. What causes this?

It's a mix of many circumstances like chronic stress, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle and being surrounded by countless toxins.

The upshot is that you and most of the guys you know probably don't feel as vital as you should. Chances are good that you look and feel older than you are. Your energy levels are low, and the idea of totally revamping your lifestyle just feels exhausting.

Am I pretty close to right?

I won't deny that I've been feeling that way for years. Finally, I decided that I needed to do something, take one small step, that would support a healthier lifestyle and put me on a path to feeling strong, vital and in control.

After doing some research, I decided that the best place to start was with some kind of cleanse. Doing something that would require a lot of hard work and self-denial right off the bat wasn't right for me, so a juice cleanse was out of the question.

Then, I started hearing about Primal Total Cleanse and other products that are formulated to clean out your system. All you have to do is take a capsule every day. That was a program even I could stick to.

I decided to try Primal Total Cleanse and zuPOO in a head-to-head competition to see which product left me feeling lighter, cleaner and more energized. Here's what I discovered.

Table Comparison of Primal Cleanse vs. ZuPoo

ComparingPrimal CleansezuPoo
Servings per container:3015
Natural detox:YesYes
Key ingredient:Cascara SagradaCascara Sagrada
Best price:at Primal Harvestat zuPoo

Overview of Primal Total Cleanse

Fruit in the background of a bottle of primal total cleanse

A product made by Primal Harvest, Primal Total Cleanse is a detox supplement. The capsules are taken daily to clean out your body so that you are left feeling refreshed, energetic and lighter. Thanks to its natural ingredients, Primal Total Cleanse improves the body's digestive process while also supporting the health of organs such as the kidneys and colon. Taking this supplement also ensures that you are getting a mega dose of antioxidants. Regular use supports a lit-up metabolism, and most men find that their energy increases while they use Primal Total Cleanse.

The Formula

Primal total cleanse bottle with spilled capsules

How does Primal Total Cleanse achieve these results? It's all based on the 20 ingredients that are transparently listed on each bottle of the product.

One of the main components of this product is L. Acidophilus. These probiotics are critical to supporting gut health. Complimentary ingredients include licorice root, ginger root, cayenne fruit, acai berry and buckthorn bark. Each of these natural ingredients has a gentle laxative effect on the body. The result of taking them in this supplement is that your body gets cleaned out naturally without forcing you to have to rush to bathroom every 15 minutes.

Also featured in Primal Total Cleanse is aloe vera leaf. This natural substance is packed with phytonutrients, which are known to be powerful cleansers. When taken on a regular basis, aloe vera leaf gives you healthier digestion day in and day out. Who doesn't want to experience less indigestion and stomach discomfort? It further contains plenty of antioxidants, which are critical for preventing cell damage. Aloe vera leaf additionally supports the overall detoxification process.

Also found in Primal Total Cleanse is a mix of all-natural herbs that detoxify the body. Including beneficial ingredients like fennel seed and cascara sagrada, this herbal blend is compounded with the goal of flushing out the colon and all of those nasty toxins that are preventing you from feeling your best.

What I Like

Sliced lemon next to primal total cleanse

Overall, my experience with Primal Total Cleanse was a positive one. Primal Harvest is a U.S. company, and they offer a range of healthy products that rely on natural, safe and trusted ingredients. All of their products are made in America in a GMP-certified facility. GMP is an acronym for Good Manufacturing Practice. The Food and Drug Administration created the GMP certification to minimize the risks that are inherently involved with the manufacture of supplements.

That GMP certification is important to me because it demonstrates the Primal Harvest commitment to producing safe and effective supplements in a clean, FDA-approved facility. I know that I don't have to worry about quality issues when I'm trusting a supplement that was produced in one of these GMP factories.

Additionally, Primal Total Cleanse flat out worked well for me. The cleansing process is gentle but thorough. My bowel movements became far more regular and predictable, which I'm sure anyone could appreciate in today's busy lifestyle. Also, I seem to have left constipation in the past with Primal Total Cleanse. If this is something that you've dealt with too, then you know how uncomfortable and disruptive it can be.

Within days of starting Primal Total Cleanse, I noticed a distinctive difference in my energy levels. I felt lighter, and although I could tell that my body was eliminating toxins and other waste, I wasn't tied to the bathroom. I also appreciated that I didn't really experience any discomfort, like excess gas and pressure, while taking this product.

What I Don’t Like

OK, Primal Total Cleanse isn't perfect. I'd like to see the precise amounts of each ingredient printed on the label. Another gripe is that I sometimes detected a slight aftertaste several hours after taking my daily dose. The effect was most noticeable if I took the capsule on an empty stomach. Taking the dose with a full glass of water and a meal seemed to reduce the aftertaste.

Overview of ZuPOO

My success with Primal Total Cleanse felt good, but I wondered if a better product was out there. For the sake of making a fair comparison, I stopped taking Primal Total Cleanse for a few weeks before I switched to ZuPOO.

Boy, did I notice the difference. Not too long after I stopped Primal Total Cleanse, my body reverted back to old habits. Feeling drained and bloated on an almost daily basis became a regular thing again. The trouble was that now that I'd lived in a healthier way for a few weeks, I couldn't stand those feelings anymore.

That's how I knew it was time to start ZuPOO. Would this alternative product improve my health and vitality like Primal Total Cleanse?

Made by a company called UMZU, ZuPOO is a supplement for gut health that also acts as a colon cleanser. In addition to improving digestive processes, the manufacturer claims that this supplement can help people to lose an average of five to 20 pounds of weight. As another attraction, ZuPOO is formulated to eliminate hormone and waste blockers from your system.

UMZU further claims that ingredients in their product can suppress appetite, leading to greater weight loss.

The Formula

red peppers and water around a bottle of spilled umzu zupuoo

One of ZuPOO's main ingredients is cascara sagrada, which can be effective for cleansing the colon of toxins. In addition, this natural substance can prevent the colon from reabsorbing water to promote healthier, more expeditious digestion. There's also evidence to suggest that cascara helps with more complete excretion.

Another critical ingredient is bentonite clay, a substance that is loaded with micronutrients such as calcium and magnesium. Minerals such as these are crucial to flushing toxins from your system. The clay even protects against waste products becoming clogged in the walls of the intestine, resulting in more complete bowel movements.

If constipation is an issue for you, then you'll appreciate that the formula includes some senna leaf, an ancient herb that has long been trusted to ease this condition. For soothing the liver and preventing the collection of harmful deposits within the digestive system, zuPOO includes milk thistle. The presence of burdock root powder is intended to clear a variety of toxins from the bloodstream.

What I Like

Powder and capsule with a bottle of Umzu zupoo

ZuPOO actually is effective. I appreciate the all-natural ingredients and the no-bull stance of the website. It also certainly is true that zuPOO cleaned out my system. Unfortunately, the process was not without its challenges, and I found UMZU to be less transparent than I would have liked. Nonetheless, I do like that you only have to take this supplement over a 15-day period every 90 days. That's a lot easier to deal with than an everyday capsule. Still, I question my ability to remember to start up a zuPOO regimen every 90 days.

What I Don’t Like

Read some of the user reviews on the UMZU website, and you'll get a pretty good idea of what the first 48 hours on this product will be like. It's intense.

The company isn't kidding when they say that zuPOO cleans out your system. Unfortunately, it does so by starting out with massive gas and bloating. Then you have to start using the bathroom.

If you're going to take zuPOO, plan to take at least two or three days off from your regular schedule. First, you have to deal with some pretty comprehensive discomfort. Second, you're going to be spend a lot of quality time in your personal throne room. Be ready for it.

Once you get past that initial period, zuPoo works great. I just wish it wasn't so all-at-once powerful.

Another drawback is that I'm not seeing enough transparency about where and how zuPOO is manufactured. The company headquarters are in Colorado, and I think that they may have production facilities there, but I could not confirm. Also, no word on the facility being GPM certified, which is a red flag for me.

Comparing Cost and Overall Value

umzu zupoo and primal total cleanse price chart comparison

You can purchase a bottle of Primal Total Cleanse on the company website for $29.95. This is a one-month supply. Frequently, the company runs specials, and you can save by purchasing multiple bottles at once. A subscribe and save program takes 20-percent off of the per-bottle price. This is a flexible plan that can be canceled whenever you like.

A 15-day supply of zuPOO will cost approximately $35. That makes this the more expensive option, but you can take advantage of a subscribe and save program that knocks 25-percent off the price and automatically ships your next 15-day supply every 90 days.

Comparing Formulas

Take a look at the ingredient lists for both products, and you'll find some similarities.

Primal Total Cleanse has the longer list of ingredients, but they are all natural and beneficial so this doesn't bother me. You'll find buckthorn bark powder, cascara sagrada, fennel seed, cayenne fruit powder and bentonite clay in both formulas.

Reviewing the list of ingredients in Primal Total Cleanse reveals additional components like pumpkin seed powder, oat bran fiber, rhubarb root powder, flax seed powder, goldenseal root powder and other items that are science-backed for effectiveness. These additional herbs have immense health benefits that I like including in my daily routine.

Comparing Results

After taking each product for 30 days and 15 days, respectively, I definitely had more regular bowel movements, and my digestive processes were smoother and less disrupted.

However, getting to that point was a comparison between two extremely different journeys. ZuPOO was a rough beginning, and it took my body a few days to adjust. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't an experience that I want to repeat.

The induction period for Primal Total Cleanse was much less disruptive. I did have to use the bathroom slightly more frequently in the first couple of days, but it was minus the gas and bloating that was a part of the zuPOO experience.

Moreover, because zuPOO is only taken for 15 days, it's necessary to repeat this experience in every quarter of the year. The diminishing effects of zuPOO over the weeks in between a cleanse is another drawback that didn't work for me.

Main Differences Between Zupoo and Primal Total Cleanse

umzu zupoo and primal total cleanse

Both of these products performed well with regard to cleaning out my system. However, I felt like they used extremely different approaches.

While zuPOO involved an intense 48-hour period when I started taking it, the results with Primal Total Cleanse were gentler. The gradual approach seems like a more sensible one to me. Plus, I like the predictability of taking a daily supplement as opposed to one that I take for 15 days every 90 days.

I don't want to go through that induction period every 90 days. I don't want to feel that sluggishness coming slowly back into my life during that 90-day period.

Slow and steady wins the race in my book.

Which is Better: Primal Total Cleanse or ZuPoo?

Both of these products are effective. They absolutely do what they say they will, but they take different approaches. The gentle laxative and detoxifying effects of Primal Total Cleanse are no less effective than the more hard-edged approach of zuPOO, but they certainly keep life on a more even keel.


Based on my experience, I am totally behind Primal Total Cleanse. I appreciated the gentler, gradual but no less effective approach.

Of course, everyone's body is different. It's possible that zuPOO could work better for you.

A comparison of the ingredient list may just have you reaching the same conclusion that I did. The Primal Total Cleanse formula is just too good to miss.

Photo of author

Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD

Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, earned her masters degree in Nutrition and Foods from the University of Georgia. She's a Registered Dietitian at Morrison Healthcare and has a strong passion in helping people improve their wellness!

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